After us, the deluge - После нас хоть потоп
After us, the deluge, the translation of Apres nous, le deluge, m eans ‘I don’t care what happens when I am dead and gone’. The saying is generally ascribed to M adam e de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV. Some say that she made the remark to her lover when the latter was worried about the future of France after the defeat by Frederick the G reat in 1757. According to others, Mme de Pompadour used the phrase to laugh off all the remonstrances of ministers at her extravagance. Some twelve years afterwards Metternich, the Austrian statesman, used the same words, meaning that after his death his state might go to the dogs for all he cared.
Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей Lingualeo Что означает выражение После нас хоть потоп?
It means the future doesn’t concern me,
I don’t care w hat happens after my death.
Насколько я помню, это не исконное английское
It is not, it is.brought from France.
А как это звучит в оригинале?
I must apologize beforehand for my poor
French. The original words are Apres nous,
le deluge.
Эти слова приписывают мадам де Помпадур, фаворитке Людовика XV, не так ли?
Yes, the phrase is believed to have, originated with her.
Я хотел бы знать, в связи с чем мадам де Помпадур произнесла эти слова.
This is rather doubtful, I should say. It
is suggested by some that she made the remark to laugh off the remonstrances of ministers at her extravagance. Others say that
the remark was made on a different occasion.